Therapy In Austin, TX



It’s a Tuesday…

You find yourself looking at the clock at 8pm and discover that you haven’t gotten out of bed all day and likely won’t for the rest of the evening, not even to eat. Or, perhaps you finds yourself crying at the drop of the hat. Everything you hear and see fulfills a narrative that life is not worth it and never will be again. How do people find the energy to care?

Though there is a wide spectrum to a person’s experience with depression, many people that have had it can relate to the scenario listed above. Depression is real and it is terrible.


With depression, you can find yourself having some of the following symptoms:

  • Racing thoughts

  • Thinking poorly of yourself

  • Having difficulty focusing

  • Difficulty motivating yourself

  • Moody

  • Feeling hopeless

  • Consistently Sad

  • Sleep Difficulties (Too much or too litte)

  • Feeling consistently guilty

  • Having low energy

  • Loss of Interest in things that normally you would like to do

  • Weight Gain or Weight Loss


Thankfully, there is hope and lots of evidence to treat depression. The quickest and most effective treatment of depression includes conjoint pharmacological treatment with talk therapy. However, not everyone needs to take medications.

In therapy, we will explore what is the best approach to uniquely treating your depression. We will explore when it started, what you have done to address it thus far, and barriers you have encountered to feeling better. We will work to help you begin to love yourself little by little each day and rediscover your joy for life.

It can be a long-road, but it is worth it and doable. No emotion lasts forever, not even depression. You do deserve help and support, no matter what you or others have told you before.